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apix-fintech growthxvelerator

Pang Wei Wen
SEP. 13, 2019
The Asean Financial Innovation Network (AFIN) team shared how the APIX platform can help accelerate your firm’s growth. Enjoy exclusive discounts for signing up to the platform at the event! MAS’ Chief FinTech Officer Sopnendu Mohanty shared some remarks & plans on local Fintech scene.
Commercial Launch of AFIN / APIX: ASEAN Financial Innovation Network - World’s first global financial services marketplace & sandbox, by Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), IFC - International Finance Corporation & ASEAN Bankers Association. APIX - API marketplace to connect financial institutions to innovative solutions from fintech firms, promoting inclusive finance to people w/o bank accounts worldwide. APIX Panel Q&A allowed participants to better understand the platform. Sopnendu Mohanty - Chief Fintech Officer, MAS Ivan Mortimer-Schutts - Digital Financial Services, IFC Manish Diwaan - Managing Director, APIX Mohit Mehrotra - Co-Leader, Deloitte Nilanshuk Haldar - Head of Financial Services Partnerships (APAC), Amazon Web Services (AWS) Chia Hock Lai - President, Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) Rebecca Martin - Senior Executive Officer, MAS Phyu Thinn Kaitlyn - Fintech & Innovation Group, MAS Participants had the opportunity hear from experts addressing the Obstacles in Fundraising. Lara-May Drole - Managing Director, Antler Claudia Teo - Head of Corporate & FS, EVERSHEDS HARRY ELIAS LLP Christopher Aw - Managing Director, Pandan Ventures Prakhar Singh - Vice President, Eight Roads Nikhilesh Goel - CoFounder, Validus Capital Ngee Hua Lim - Exco, SFA